Do These 5 Things to Survive a Business Turnaround

Do These 5 Things to Survive a Business Turnaround

If there’s a small silver lining to the COVID-19 pandemic—beyond the influx of fresh-baked sourdough bread, that is—it’s the opportunity that many companies have had to make their operations remote. Many of the clients I’ve met on the business turnaround speaker...
6 Leadership Assessment Tools to Try in 2021

6 Leadership Assessment Tools to Try in 2021

I have always been serious about improving my leadership skills and investing in professional development. This goes back 25 years to when I was a young leader in my family business, and was responsible for leading a team of people who were older and more experienced...
Tips for Building a Balanced Board

Tips for Building a Balanced Board

As a succession planning keynote speaker, I meet a lot of family business and closely held company owners—and I find that a surprising number of them are operating without any kind of advisory board. Of course, most of them are attending my talks in the context of...